
ARTventurer, #2

People are Stranger when you are stranger...(The Doors)

menyebrangi jalan bersama-sama orang-orang yang belum pernah saya jumpai, waiting at the bus station bersama orang-orang yang belum pernah saya temui,
....i dont know all of these people in front of me....
i never met all of these people....
they are stranger...and im a stranger to all of these people....

crossing the street with all these people...waiting at the subway with all of these people...so strange! hear the sound that i never heard...

rasa asing di sebuah negara asing...mencoba membaur diantara ramainya jalan...berpapasan dengan berbagai macam Ras, Suku dan Bangsa...what a beautiful world !
baru kali ini saya merasa benar-benar bersyukur for being a part of this crazy world!

Selanting 37 Singapore to Arab Street
22 March, 2009 11:00 am