
A Rock Band & A Glass of Mineral Water

saya membaca tulisan ini di sebuah website - mereka menulis tentang SEEK SIX SICK, a psychedelic band, a rock band...

These noise merchants from Yogyakarta are not just an alternative to what is happening in central Java but all of Indonesia. The two founders of the six-man group -- Jimmy and Sony (both art school graduates) -- looked to Sonic Youth for inspiration as they experimented with sounds and an amorphous structure to their music. The result is a semi-psychedelic ride through the East Village via Malioboro street with an array of found sounds trailing them along the way. Citing Can, Faust, Soft Machine and Pink Floyd as other prominent influences, the band calls its sound Asian noise rock but any category would fail to sum up the head space they inhabit. Now, especially for iTunes, the band's collection of music since forming in 1999 has been divided into two special albums. "Era Analog" zips back and forth between 70s era Krautrock and the gothic majesty of Tones on Tail in the 1990s. The beat picks up on "Era Digital" as the band programs a dance groove and chainsaw guitars to tear through 30 minutes of electronic mayhem. Whether you're analog or digital in nature, this band will move you into a new era of space and time. (taken from equinoxdmd.com)

saya ingat pertama kali menonton mereka saat acara Morisland Attack di Hall Sanata Darma, Jumat 10 Oktober sekitar enam tahun yang lalu, saya datang saat lagu ANTI MACHO ROCKSTAR dinyanyikan oleh sang vokalis, yang waktu itu saya belum tahu namanya (sekarang sih udah...hehehe), lalu saya menjumpai mereka main di beberapa gigs lain di tahun yang sama, yah...itulah masa-masa dimana saya lebih banyak membuang waktu nonton konser-konser band di Yogyakarta, saya masih melewati era-era Gestapu, Soekarmadjoe, Death Vomit, Mock Me Not, Kronchonk Chaos, Kowena, Bagaikan, The Produk Gagal dll...sederetan nama band yang selalu saya tonton dengan mengambil posisi di pinggir panggung.

dan tadi malam saya seperti terlempar kembali di 8 tahun yang lalu, pada opening JAF (Jogja Art Fair) setelah sekian lama absen menonton Seek Six Sick, meskipun minus sang vokalis yang menjadi ciri khas band ini, tapi tidak mengurangi minat saya menonton aksi mereka.
tetap KEREN !, seperti dahulu...tetap asik !
without beer in my hand, berbekal segelas air mineral saya tetap bisa menikmati penampilan mereka. TWO THUMBS UP !